Postdoctoral Associate Position at University of Pittsburgh

At the start of October I began my first postdoctoral position, at the University of Pittsburgh in the Chemistry Department working in the newly formed Hutchison Group for Geoffrey Hutchison. Life has been so hectic these last few months finishing my doctorate and preparing for my biggest move ever.

Louise and I arrived on the 27th of September and had less than a week to find a suitable apartment out here ready for me to start work. I am now a legal non-resident alien (I think - someone correct me if I got it wrong). I am very excited to be starting this new job, the move has been really tough but the research looks very interesting and I am sure that my time here will be very productive.

I have already been to quite a few interesting talks in the department and am making the transition from physics to chemistry. It is OK though as I get to do lots of physics and programming along with some more chemistry. Exciting times and I am sure I will talk more about my work in future. I have already posted a tutorial article on installing Sun Grid Engine on a Mac OS X cluster.

Dax made it out here and we are both enjoying the recent snow. This entry sat in drafts for about a month or so as I have been so busy sorting things out, coding, reading and going to physio for my high ankle sprain which I am told is both unusual and the worst kind of sprain…

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