KDE 4 Release and Party

I am sure you have heard by now about the KDE 4.0.0 release made yesterday. Currently my desktop machine is on a boat in the middle of the Atlantic somewhere, my laptop is broken and I only have access to Apple systems… I was able to check out KDE 4 and test it in a VM and it is looking good.

I haven't been able to help with Gentoo packaging of KDE 4 very much at all which is a shame. I should get my desktop back at the end of the month in my new home in Pittsburgh. I also couldn't attend the release event as I am attending my graduation ceremony on the 17th of January. Hope you guys really enjoy the event and if I could have moved things around to attend I certainly would have.

There is lots of stuff I hope to be able to do for KDE 4.1, and more specifically Kalzium, once I get my desktop back at the end of the month. Avogadro already has lots of improvements including a KGraphicsView based periodic table which I think Carsten is interested in me getting into Kalzium 4.1.

Enjoy the release event and remember to raise a glass to those of us unable to make it for various reasons ;-)

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