Hectic Week

Wow - what a hectic week. This has got to have been one of the most exhausting weeks I have had in years. Started off with final corrections and tweaking of my doctoral thesis. After many hours of printing I got the three copies submitted on Tuesday afternoon. Managed a few celebrations on Wednesday evening along with a friend who submitted her thesis on Wednesday. Thursday we went to a friend’s wedding which was really nice.

Yesterday we had a really long day, we caught a train at just after 7am down to London. We weren't allowed to take any electronics as we were going to the US embassy to apply for a visa. I really missed having my mobile phone and being in London it would have been good to have had a camera. We got to the embassy in good time, spent about three hours in there before having our applications approved, which means we can finally start making travel arrangements! I start my new job in Pittsburgh at the start of October and am really looking forward to getting out there. I am sure I will talk more about my postdoctoral position more soon! We didn't get back home until just after midnight, by which pointy we were very tired.

Now we are on Saturday and I can finally sit down in front of a computer. I am surrounded by electronics again and so am much happier now ;-) I don’t think people appreciate how hard it is for someone like me to be without electronics for a day. I am now surveying what I can get done for my Google Summer of Code project before it ends. I will blog shortly about some of the stuff I have done recently but just haven’t found the time to talk about yet too.

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