Getting kinky with Gentoo

I wonder what kind of search results this entry might end up in - I hope jforman doesn’t come after me ;-) Just spend the last hour or so avoiding my thesis and fixing inklevel monitoring on my system. I have fixed net-print/libinklevel so that it is multilib friendly in the latest 0.6.6 release candidate that is in the tree and then found out that net-print/kink was unhappy.

So then I spent quite a while figuring out what had changed and patching kink to work with the new API. This fixed bug 147967 but I was a bad dev and forgot to refer to the bug in my commit message… Now I have my new ink cartridge in my printer, I can print out drafts and papers again! So now I really will get back to writing up my thesis but I feel better as I managed to make a little time for Gentoo work :-)

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