First Halloween in Pittsburgh

So I had my first experience of Halloween in the US tonight. As I went grocery shopping I saw all the shops with big bowls full of sweets handing them out to passing children. Dozens of children dressed up as various ghoulish characters wandering around with their parents in toe, helping them to carry their swag.

I walked back to my apartment to witness yet more children wandering the streets with their parents and people up and down my street handing out sweets (or candy as it is known over here). I got home to meet a few of my neighbours work colleagues handing out treats on our doorstep. Lots of the houses around here have been decorated for weeks and it amazes me what a big thing Halloweeen is.

I am really going to miss Guy Fawkes Night on the 5th of November - don’t think anyone knows about it over here ;-) We always had great parties and gatherings on Bonfire night, although currently my social calendar is emptier than it has ever been due to me being very new in town. Hope you have all enjoyed your Halloween and have a great Bonfire night if you celebrate it!

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