All American Weekend

What a hectic week. I never got chance to record our first all American weekend on the long weekend. We started off on Saturday morning shopping in the sales and found a great BBQ at Wal-Mart. It is nearly twice the size of the one we had back in the UK with a great labour saving ash collector at the bottom. We then loaded up on meat and other BBQ essentials.

Had lots of friends over on Saturday evening and then exposed our American friends to the Eurovision song contest! It was very hard to explain this phenomenon to them but it was as amusing as ever with expert commentary by Terry Wogan ;-)

Then on Sunday we went along to our first ever baseball game and saw the Pittsburgh Pirates beat the Chicago Cubs. It was a really fun day out, beautiful sunny weekend and then we had another BBQ when we got back. I have always loved BBQs and our new one works great.

This weekend we are heading out on a road trip with a few friends from work. I haven’t really taken any photos for about a year now so I am really hoping we can see a little of the country around us and get some photos I can show off. I would love more time for hacking on code too, may be Sunday evening when we get back. I have been seriously neglecting my new game too - GTA IV.

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