I went to the GLAMOR 2005 conference on Monday 11 April. It was a three day conference held at Trinity College in Cambridge on Glasses and Amorphous materials. I have never been to Cambridge to look around before, so it was a great opportunity to see Cambridge as well as learn about what others in my field are doing.

Trinity College Gates

Neil picked me up at about 8am, and we drove down arriving at around 11am. We were staying in the student residences as it is outside of their term time. Trinity College is very beautiful, as is Cambridge as a whole. Filled with grand, old buildings I felt quite privileged to be there. We ate our meals in a grand dining hall, with the staff eating at the top and the rest of us filling the rest of the hall. The hall was very old, and filled with portraits of great figures.

The conference had quite a tight schedule running from 9am to 7pm each day apart from the last that finished at 5:30pm. I helped Neil prepare his PowerPoint presentation which was given on the last day. Luckily I took my laptop so that we could correct a few small mistakes before the talk was given. I couldn’t get on the Internet though, so it was quite strange being cut off from the Internet and TV for three days.

I am glad I wasn’t a student at Cambridge as I don’t think it is the life I would have wanted for myself, but it was great to be a part of it for three days. Eating in the grand dining hall, listening to lectures from some of the finest lecturers in the field and taking in the beauty and history of the place when I had some spare time.

Some of the talks and posters have me some great ideas for future work. It was also great to see what other people are doing, and talk to other researchers in my field a little less formally.

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