Camp KDE BoFs and Jamaica
minute read
With all the talks over, Monday and Tuesday were dominated by a series of technical talks given by Till Adam on different aspects of the Qt library. Although I had already spent time hacking with all the APIs he discussed the tutorial nature of the talks were very helpful. I especially enjoyed his discussion of Java style versus STL style iterators.
The roundup of the various threading APIs available was very helpful and has given me lots of ideas on how to parallelize more code. All the developers in the room seemed to take a lot away from the sessions. The hands-on/workshop style worked really well and I only wish we had more time to cover a few more topics.
Today is the start of the hackathon. I took the opportunity to catch up on mail a little, pay some attention to my poor wife who has been neglected for most of the week and explore a little more of the beach. It has been an intense week, and I have that many new ideas it will likely be an intense few weeks of coding to get all these new ideas hashed out.
Above is the group photo Louise took yesterday, before people started to leave. I think there will be a video posted somewhere with "smart" quotes from KDE developers. Alexandra managed to coerce most of us into at least speaking in front of the camera
Thanks to the sponsors and organizers for making this event possible.