Well I signed up for the 10 km race in Graves Park, Sheffield this Sunday. I nearly wimped out and took the 5 km option as I know I can run that but I thought I should try to push myself. Louise did really well in her 5 km run she did the other week and that inspired me to push myself. So I signed up and paid my entry fee.
On Saturday we went to Rother Valley and ran around both lakes - that is about half the distance at ~5 km. Then on Sunday I ran 6 km on the treadmill at the gym, and yesterday I managed to run 7.5 km on the treadmill. I kept it on a 1% gradient the whole time to put some gradient on it. I am planning on running 9 or 10 km at the gym tomorrow, and then running about 10 km at Rother Valley on Friday. If I make it I may actually have a chance.
I am fitter now than I have been in years and I hope I manage to make it round, it would be great if I can do it in under one hour. I have raised £40 for the British Heart Foundation already, and hope to raise a little more before the race. If you fancy giving a little money to a good cause, and sponsoring a fellow Linux geek in his bid to get fit they have an online sponsorship page for me here.
Running has been a great way to keep the weight coming off, even when I am not as disciplined as I should be
Wish me luck on my first ever long distance run (used to run 400 m at school) and my first race since I was at school! Hopefully all will go well on the day.